Posts by Year


Social media is not like cigarettes or alcohol

1 minute read

The Australian government has just announced its intention to ban social media for children and early teens. Social media is then added to a list of restrict...

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Twitter: Riding information crisis Permalink

less than 1 minute read

🚨 New paper out with @icsjournal with @ameliajohns13 and @andrei_rizoiu on information crises and disorders. 🚨We find that far-right accounts overperformed o...

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Il voto per le europee a Milano

8 minute read

La geografia socio-politica delle grandi città italiane del centro-nord è radicalmente cambiata negli ultimi 25 anni. Se osserviamo la distribuzione dei voti...

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Cosa possiamo imparare dal M5S

3 minute read

Leggo e rispondo al post di Massimo Mantellini (Il M5S, il wifi e il principio di precauzione) in cui si evidenzia con preoccupazione come il Movimento abbia...

Explicit semantic analysis with R

23 minute read

Explicit semantic analysis (ESA) was proposed by Gabrilovich and Markovitch (2007) to compute a document position in a high-dimensional concept space. At the...

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NDVI, risk assessment and developing countries

7 minute read

The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) estimates the greenness of plants covering the surface of the Earth by measuring the light reflected by the...

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Eyes on Guatemala

1 minute read

The Economist has published an article on malnutrition in Guatemala. Hunger is not new in the country, with half of the children population not eating enough...

Back into Poverty

less than 1 minute read

Increase in food prices has pushed back into poverty at least 100 million people in 2008 and, according to the United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition...

On the Evolution of Thinking

less than 1 minute read

What if we are becoming the very same Artificial Intelligence that we are trying to design? The doubt has has been raised by Nicholas Carr in an article publ...

If the Asian Growth Model is not Working Anymore

less than 1 minute read

In 1981 poverty rate in China was 64% of the population, in 2004 the rate was 10%: it means that 500 million people stepped out of poverty (look here and her...

Economic Gains Do Not Mean Political Gains

1 minute read

In this post Dani Rodrik explains why trade theories suggest that the U.S. should liberalize trade for agricultural products (especially cotton and sugar) an...

The Dirt Floats

1 minute read

The Kosovo Liberation Army (Albanian acronym UÇK) supposedly run, during the conflict of 1999, torture camps in northern Albania. According to an investigati...


1 minute read

Let’s try to imagine how a platform to collect and share market price information could work in a country where 46% of the children are malnourished and 80% ...

Hard Numbers, Hard Times

1 minute read

In a report published today, Oxfam predicts that by 2015 the average number of people affected by climate-related disasters every year will increase by 54%. ...

Information Flows on Mobiles

1 minute read

The idea to use mobile phones (here and here) to help economic development in the most remote corners of the world is fascinating and definitely smart. For o...

Human Rights in Guatemala

1 minute read

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has published the Annual Report 2008 on Guatemala. And hardly could have been worse. Last year murder r...

Understanding Capitalism

1 minute read

Nobel-winning economist Amartya Sen argues, in an article published on The New York Review of Books, that the way out from the crisis passes through a better...

Detained and Dismissed

less than 1 minute read

Human Rights Watch has just published a detailed report on Women’s Struggles to Obtain Health Care in United States Immigration Detention. Immigration detent...

Wars in the Backyard

1 minute read

The National Security Archive has just declassified eleven documents on the extra judicial arrests conducted 25 years ago by the government of Guatemala. It ...

Crisis from the South /3

less than 1 minute read

The Inter-American Development Bank publishes today on its web-site previsions for remittance flows in 2009 to Latin America: they will go down for the first...

Brain matters

1 minute read

Saying that education strengths economic growth sounds good old common sense. But proving and measuring this relation is not immediate and therefore interest...

Crisis from the South /2

less than 1 minute read

And it appears that the  problem is not just limited to remittances. According to The Institute of International Finance, private financial flows from rich c...

Truth, finally. Maybe

less than 1 minute read

Guatemalan newspaper La Hora affirms that, for the first time, the  government will hand to the ministerio público (attorney general) the military archives r...

Crisis from the South

less than 1 minute read

According to Banco de Guatemala, for the first time since 1999, in January 2009 remittances from abroad decreased by 7.75% compared to the same month in 2008...

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