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Detained and Dismissed

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Human Rights Watch has just published a detailed report on Women’s Struggles to Obtain Health Care in United States Immigration Detention. Immigration detent...

Wars in the Backyard

1 minute read

The National Security Archive has just declassified eleven documents on the extra judicial arrests conducted 25 years ago by the government of Guatemala. It ...

Crisis from the South /3

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The Inter-American Development Bank publishes today on its web-site previsions for remittance flows in 2009 to Latin America: they will go down for the first...

Brain matters

1 minute read

Saying that education strengths economic growth sounds good old common sense. But proving and measuring this relation is not immediate and therefore interest...

Crisis from the South /2

less than 1 minute read

And it appears that the  problem is not just limited to remittances. According to The Institute of International Finance, private financial flows from rich c...